User Acceptance Policy

At Sagenext Infotech, we are committed to maintaining the integrity, security, and confidentiality of the critical information of our valued customers. Being a dedicated QuickBooks hosting provider, we follow the highest level of security measures to ascertain that all customers' data is maintained in a secure environment and is accessible only to the authorized users. It should be noted that the information of the users maintained with Sagenext Infotech could be subject to interrupted access due to various failures related to software, hardware or Internet connectivity problems.

Interrupted access could also be caused by malicious intent or acts of nature. Users agree to hold Sagenext Infotech harmless and indemnified against any and all liability for losses or damages suffered due to situations resulting from interrupted access to client data.

Sagenext Infotech respects to the fact that the Internet provides a forum for free and open discussion all over the web world and dissemination of information, however, when there are competing interests at issues, Sagenext Infotech reserves the right to take certain preventative or corrective actions. In order to protect these competing interests, Sagenext Infotech has developed an Acceptable Use Policy (“AUP”), which supplements and explains certain terms of each customer's respective service agreement and is intended as a guide to the customer's rights and obligations when utilizing Sagenext Infotech's services. This AUP will be revised from time to time. A customer's use of Sagenext Infotech's services after changes to the AUP are posted on Sagenext Infotech's web site,, will constitute the customer's acceptance of any new or additional terms of the AUP that result from those changes.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Sagenext Infotech agrees to supply its application hosting services to the customer. Customer agrees to pay Sagenext Infotech for use of the Services per Order placed.
  2. Sagenext Infotech offers to customer remote access to Sagenext Infotech’s data center through inbound Internet connectivity, providing access to customer̻s data and various hosted software applications provided by Sagenext Infotech or under license purchased by the Customer.
  3. Software and applications made available to the customer are detailed in the Order attached here to.
  4. Sagenext Infotech is committed to maintaining the integrity, security and confidentiality of the critical information of our valued customers.
  5. Credit card details provided by the users are listed in our database in an encrypted form and we go to extreme lengths to ensure that no one ever sees these details. To be precise, CC details are stored on a PCI Compliant, Level 1 DSS certified payment mechanism, and we practice equivalent data encryption methods that the leading banking and financial institutions use.
  6. We have a very advanced automatic payment processing option in place which functions on the basis of the billing cycle of the user i.e. Monthly/Quarterly/Half-Yearly/Annually. However, we are also open to set up manual payment system for the customers on a mutual agreement. In such cases, users will be liable to make timely payments for the services used. Failing to make payments as per the billing cycle will lead to discontinuation of the services.
  7. When customers disseminate information through the Internet, they also must keep in mind that Sagenext Infotech doesn̻t review, edit, censor or take responsibility for any information its customers may create. When users place information on the Internet, they have the same liability as other authors for copyright infringement, defamation, and other harmful speech.
  8. Also, because the information they create is carried over Sagenext Infotech’s network and may reach a large number of people, including both customers and non-customers of Sagenext Infotech, customers̻ postings to the Internet may affect other customers and may harm Sagenext Infotech̻s goodwill, business reputation, and operations. For these reasons, customers violate Sagenext Infotech policy and the service agreement when they, their customers, affiliates, or subsidiaries engage in the following prohibited activities:


Sending unsolicited bulk and/or commercial messages over the Internet (known as “Spamming”) is prohibited. It is not only harmful because of its negative impact on consumer attitudes toward Sagenext Infotech, but also because it can overload Sagenext Infotech's network and disrupt service to Sagenext Infotech customers.

Other Illegal Activities

Engaging in activities that are determined to be illegal, including advertising, transmitting, or otherwise making available ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes, fraudulently charging credit cards, and pirating software.

Intellectual Property Violations

Engaging in any activity that infringes or misappropriate the intellectual property rights of others, including copyrights, trademarks, service marks, trade secrets, software piracy, and patents held by individuals, corporations, or other entities.

Export Control Violations

Exporting encryption software over the Internet or otherwise, to points outside the United States.

Facilitating a Violation of this AUP

Advertising, transmitting, or otherwise making available any software, program, product, or service that is designed to violate this AUP, which includes the facilitation of the means to spam, initiation of pinging, flooding, mailbombing, denial of service attacks, and piracy of software.

Obscene Speech or Materials

Using Sagenext Infotech's network to advertise, transmit, store, post, display, or otherwise make available child pornography or obscene speech or material.

Renewal Term and Termination Conditions

The Effective Date of this agreement shall be the first day in which Customers “user profiles” are activated and made available for usage on the Sagenext Infotech Service and shall continue in full force and effect for an initial Term of one (1) month from the Effective Date. Customer may terminate service at any time by sending a written notice to accounting{at} 15 days in advance.

For Custom/Private Cloud environments, this User Acceptance Policy agreement shall be automatically renewed for one (1) month, unless terminated by either party, by giving written notice to the other party prior to the expiration of the initial Term or any successive Term. Upon termination of Services by Customer or termination of service by Sagenext Infotech, all Customer data will be deleted from active file systems of the terminal servers of Sagenext Infotech and any archived data will be overwritten. At time of account termination by Sagenext Infotech, Customer may choose to have their data retained and backed-up by Sagenext Infotech terminal servers for a period of 7 days only. Time and materials money charges apply to any search from terminated Service accounts of the customers and any such request for data search or recovery will be accepted only from the previously authorized administrative contact for the Customer account.

No Warranties

The Effective Date of this agreement shall be the first day in which Customers “user profiles” are activated and made available for usage on the Sagenext Infotech Service and shall continue in full force and effect for an initial Term of one (1) month from the Effective Date. Customer may terminate service at any time by sending a written notice to accounting{at} 15 days in advance.

For Custom/Private Cloud environments, this User Acceptance Policy agreement shall be automatically renewed for one (1) month, unless terminated by either party, by giving written notice to the other party prior to the expiration of the initial Term or any successive Term. Upon termination of Services by Customer or termination of service by Sagenext Infotech, all Customer data will be deleted from active file systems of the terminal servers of Sagenext Infotech and any archived data will be overwritten. At time of account termination by Sagenext Infotech, Customer may choose to have their data retained and backed-up by Sagenext Infotech terminal servers for a period of 7 days only. Time and materials money charges apply to any search from terminated Service accounts of the customers and any such request for data search or recovery will be accepted only from the previously authorized administrative contact for the Customer account.

Limitation on Liability

In no event will Sagenext Infotech will be liable for any damages including, without limitations, incidental or consequential damages and damages for lost data or profits, even if Sagenext Infotech has been advised of the possibility of such damages

Sagenext Infotech is also aware that many of its customers are, themselves, providers of Internet services, and that information reaching Sagenext Infotech’s facilities from those customers may have originated from a customer of the customer or from another third-party. Sagenext Infotech does not require its customers who offer Internet services to monitor or censor transmissions or web sites created by customers of its customers.

Sagnext Infotech has the right to directly take action against a customer of a customer. Also, Sagenext Infotech may take action against the Sagenext Infotech customer because of activities of a customer of the customer, even though the action may affect other customers of the customer.

Sagenext Infotech will not intentionally monitor private electronic mail messages sent or received by its customers unless required to do so by law, governmental authority, or when public safety is at stake. Sagenext Infotech may, however, monitor its service electronically to determine that its facilities are operating satisfactorily. Finally, Sagenext Infotech may disclose customer information or information transmitted over its network where necessary to protect Sagenext Infotech and others from harm, or where such disclosure is necessary to the proper operation of the system.

You Agree with User Acceptance Policy

By submission of any application hosting services Order through this Website directly or indirectly to Sagenext Infotech, you agree that you are an authorized representative for your organization and wish to execute an Application Hosting Services Agreement with Sagenext Infotech according to the terms and conditions as stated above.

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